Evolution, Functioning and Analytical Study of Loans Advanced by Long Term Cooperative Credit Structure in Gujarat

Evolution, Functioning and Analytical Study of Loans Advanced by Long Term Cooperative Credit Structure in Gujarat


S. N. Tripathy






The present paper with the help of secondary sources of data attempts to capture the major events that shaped the course of cooperative movements in Odisha. The paper portrays the prevailing socio-economic factors and key events which contributed to the development of cooperatives in different phases and its genesis and growth trend in Odisha in the national perspectives.

  1. Bengal under the Lieutenant-Governors, Vol. I. In C. Buckland – Northcok, S. (n.d.).
  2. Madras Provincial Banking Enquiry Committee Report, 5 Vols. Madras. – Government of Madras. (1930).
  3. Contractual Labour in Agricultural Sector. Discovery Publishing. – Tripathy, S. (2000).
  4. Co-operative Movement in Odisha: Highlights of Progress. Odisha Review, February – March, 51-54. – Senapati, S. (2012).
  5. Annual Activity Report 2018-19. Cooperation Department. –   Government of Odisha.

Cooperatives Movements, Rural credit, Money lenders, Farmers.


V. M. Chaudhari, Mayuri Farmer




Rural Cooperative Credit system in India evolved into two separate streams for short term credit & long-term credit. Gujarat State Cooperative Agriculture & Rural Development Bank (GSCARDB) was established in 1951 in the erstwhile State of Saurashtra which was registered as Saurashtra Central Cooperative Land Mortgage Bank Ltd. with its registered office at Rajkot. Peculiar circumstances responsible for the establishment of this bank were the necessity to have credit agency to provide loan to tenant cultivators to enable them to purchase occupancy rights over the land tilled by them under the Saurashtra land reforms Act 1949. On formation of separate State of Gujarat in 1960, the jurisdiction of this bank was extended to whole Gujarat. The name of the bank was finally re-styled appropriately to the present one since 1990. This bank is popularly called as Kheti Bank. The bank is registered under Gujarat State Cooperative Societies Act.

The objectives of the paper are: to present the evolution and functioning of the LTCCS-SCARD Bank in Gujarat and make an analytical study of loan advanced by Long Term Cooperative Credit Structure in Gujarat. This paper is based on the secondary data. The study period is 2010-11 to 2020-21. The bank needs to chalk out suitable and time bound viability action plans to focus attention towards improving the recovery performance for reducing overdue & NPA. Bank requires urgent need of reforms to address deficiencies in its design as a non- resource-based institution with the only business of providing term loans to farmers. The GSCARD Bank is required to bestow immediate attention for taking corrective steps to tackle the above major areas of concern for up scaling the business and financial performance.


☞ Annual reports (2010-11 to 2020-21), Gujarat State Co-operative Agriculture & Rural Development Bank, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

☞ Annual reports, National Cooperative Agriculture & Rural Development Bank’s Federation Ltd. (NAFCARD), Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.

☞ Chaudhari, V. M. & Farmer Mayuri (2022), History Growth, Working and Performance of Gujarat State Cooperative Agriculture & Rural Development Bank Ltd. (GSCARDB), International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN: 2320-2882, Volume10, Issue 2, February 2022, Pg. d203-d216. ☞ Chaudhari, V. M. & Farmer Mayuri (2022), Analysis of Perceptions of Bank Branch Managers on working of the Gujarat State Cooperative Agricultural & Rural Development Bank Ltd., Towards Excellence, ISSN No: 0974-035X, Vol.14, Issue No. 1, March 2022, Pg. 252-264.

☞ Chaudhari, V. M. & Farmer Mayuri (2022), Glance as Status and Statistical Performance of State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (SCARDBs) and affiliated Primary Co-operative Agriculture & Rural Development Banks (PCARDBs) in India. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, ISSN: 0975-3710 & E-ISSN: 09759107, Volume14, Issue 2, Pg. 11091-11097.

☞ Chaudhari, V. M. & Farmer Mayuri (2021), Analysis of differences among regular agriculture loan borrowers of the Gujarat State Cooperative Agriculture & Rural Development Bank Ltd, Cooperative Prospective, Journal of Cooperative Management, Vol. 56, No.-2, July-September 2021, Pg. 130-144. ☞ Chaudhari, V. M. & Farmer Mayuri (2021), A Study on Performance of Long-term Rural Cooperative Credit Structure (LTRCCS) Consisting of Cooperative and Rural Development Banks (ARDBs) at State and Primary Levels in India – An Overview, J. Indian Cooperative Review, Vol. 59, October, 2021, Pg. 135-152.

☞ Chaudhari, V. M. & Farmer Mayuri (2021), Status, issues and suggestions of long term cooperative credit structure (LTCCS) to bring prosperity through rural credit, The Cooperator, Vol. 59, No.-5, November 2021, Pg. 80-85.

☞ Chaudhari, V. M. & Farmer Mayuri (2021), Profiling analysis of agriculture loan defaulters of the Gujarat State Cooperative Agriculture & Rural Development Bank Ltd, Towards Excellence, UGC-HRDC, GU, Vol. 13, Issue No.-4, December, 2021, Pg. 204-212.

☞ Final bulletins of Advances, Recovery & Deposit Mobilization (2010-11 to 2020-21), GSCARD Bank, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

☞ Nisanth S., (2021), Performance of State Cooperative Banks in India, NAFSCOB Journal of Rural Cooperative Credit & Banking, July- September 2021, Pg. 19-23. www.khetibank.org


Evolution, Agriculture, Cooperative, Loans, Farmers, Analytical, Long-term.